This may come as a shock to you… but we’re all getting a little bit older every single day.
Ok, so that’s probably not news to you, but this means that before you may even realize it, you’ll look in the mirror one day and notice a few lines and creases where your skin used to be completely smooth. Unfortunately, that is an inevitable truth that we’re all going to have to face.
The good news, though, is that you don’t have to just accept it and move on. There are several things you can do to make lines and wrinkles far less prominent. And that’s not just us talking, that’s what dermatologists say!
Here are 6 expert-backed tips, tricks, and treatments that can help delay or hide wrinkles and fine lines and make you look younger. Think of them as an essential part of your anti-aging guide!

Stop Frowning!
It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. You’ve probably heard someone say this to you as a kid, but did you know that they’re actually right? Considering that wrinkles are formed due to small muscle contractions that occur throughout our lives, it makes sense to use as little of your facial muscles as possible.
It would be impossible to stop all muscle movement in the face because then you would look like an unblinking, expressionless mannequin – but why put more stress on your skin for unpleasant actions like frowning?
Manage Your Stress
So, we know you have to stop frowning, but you may be wondering if there is a simple, cost-free solution to preventing or minimizing a permanently furrowed brow. The good news is that there is!
Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil of Ringpfeil Advanced Dermatology says that “People should be aware that there are everyday things they can do to avoid creating forehead wrinkles”. She recommends taking up stress management techniques like meditation and therapy to bring down your stress levels. Sr. Ringpfeil also says that you should always wear sunglasses – even in the winter – and make sure to see your eye doctor and upgrade your prescription so that you don’t end up squinting.
Make Changes to Your Diet
Hydration is a key player in the health of your skin, and therefore, helps in curtailing fine lines in the short and long term. So, make sure to drink lots and lots of water! Along with preventing fine lines, proper hydration can help reduce wrinkles that already exist as well.
Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank is a celebrity dermatologist and founder of the PFRANKMD brand and PFRANKMD Skin Salons. “Dehydration from alcohol and an excessive amount of sugar in one’s diet can affect the skin and cause wrinkles down the line as well as smoking,” he says. It might be a difficult habit to cultivate, but it’s a good idea to give up alcohol and chocolates – or at least limit your consumption of them as much as possible.
Use Preventative Skin Care
We wish there was a magic eraser that can get rid of all our wrinkles, but retinoids are the next best thing! “Retinoids increase cell turnover, promoting new cell growth and collagen synthesis, so it can help smooth the appearance of wrinkles,” says dermatologist Dr. Sejal Shah, founder of SmarterSkin Dermatology.
If you haven’t tried retinoids before, pick a gentle one from a reputed brand that is meant for sensitive skin. If you’re looking for quicker, more powerful results, you can get a prescription-strength retinoid via your dermatologist.
Dr. Frank also warns you not to forget about what he calls “the ultimate multitasker” – SPF. “It’s important to wear sunscreen even in the winter and look for moisturizers that contain SPF,” he says. “Look for one that says ‘broad spectrum,’ which means UVB and UVA coverage and SPF 30 or above.”
Get a Facial
You don’t need to get powerful, invasive treatments for great results, even a facial can be very beneficial – if done using the right tools. Dr. Franks recommends his OxyLight Facial to improve the overall appearance of the skin. He uses high-tech methods that include a number of anti-aging strategies such as LED lights that penetrate the skin to boost collagen production, oxygen to refresh tired cells, and micro-current stimulation that sends tiny bursts of electricity into the facial muscles to give them a “workout”.
These are all great techniques for those who have sensitive skin, even if you’re worried about harsher treatments like peels. “These are all-natural complements to the way our bodies work, and they provide a safe, relaxing, and effective way to correct skin problems,” says Frank. They don’t hurt your skin or require any recovery time, so facials like OxyLight are perfect for when you’re preparing for a big event. The only downside is that they probably won’t last as long as they would with a surgical procedure.

Consider Injectables
Botox has got a bit of a reputation as something that will make you look like an expressionless doll – but that only happens if it is overdone. Botox is actually a very good semi-permanent solution to all kinds of wrinkles – including those of the forehead – and one that is tough to beat!
“Forehead wrinkles are typically caused by movement of the underlying muscle; therefore, neurotoxins, like Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, are a cornerstone of treating forehead wrinkles,” explains Dr. Shah. “They reduce muscle movement, thereby softening the wrinkles. For deeper, etched-in lines, the filler can be placed into the wrinkles to replenish volume and give a smoother appearance.”
Dr. Franks says you don’t have to wait until the wrinkles are deep to think about injectables. There are two kinds to consider: neurotoxin and filler. “If you notice that you’re starting to develop fine lines from consistently making a specific facial expression while laughing or frowning, neuromodulators [i.e. fillers and neurotoxins] can help eliminate those existing lines, or stop them in their tracks before forming,” he says. He suggests getting them twice a year to maintain results.
Get a Lift
If you’re considering going under the knife, a brow lift is your best option. “This is a surgical procedure in which the skin is basically pulled up to raise the brows and smooth forehead wrinkles,” says Dr. Shah.
The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery classifies several types of brow lifts. The least invasive of them is endoscopic and the most invasive is coronal. Temporal brow lifts are often performed at the same time as eyelid surgery. Overall, brow lifts require the most recovery time of any of the other procedures on this list. The ABCS says recovery time is around two weeks, but it may be worth it if you’re looking for long-lasting results!